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Mini Shell 1.0
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/var/log/eigitest-install.log
Sat May 20 10:04:05 GMT 2017
Attempting restoration of the account backup “/root/eigitest-installer/cpmove-eigitest.tar.gz” (user: eigitest) …
cPanel restorepkg version: 2.3
Archive user: eigitest
Restricted: no
Allow Reseller Privileges: no

The system will attempt to restore the archive file “/root/eigitest-installer/cpmove-eigitest.tar.gz”.
You have successfully enqueued this account’s restoration. This restoration’s ID is “bhin6webhostresto20170520100407Utnzn”.

You can see the progress of this restoration below. If you need to show this again, run the following command:
infocmp: couldn't open terminfo file /lib/terminfo/u/unknown.
The subprocess “/usr/bin/infocmp” reported error number 1 when it ended. at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ line 112.

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/view_transfer bhin6webhostresto20170520100407Utnzn
The transfer with the session id, “bhin6webhostresto20170520100407Utnzn” is running with PID “247204”.
infocmp: couldn't open terminfo file /lib/terminfo/u/unknown.
The subprocess “/usr/bin/infocmp” reported error number 1 when it ended. at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ line 112, <$fh> line 1.
[247204][MASTER    ]: Start Session
[247204][MASTER    ]: Version: 2.3
[247204][MASTER    ]: Queue “RESTORE” items: 1
[247204][MASTER    ]: Remote Host: 
[247206][RESTORE:1 ]: Starting “Account”: eigitest
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 0%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Starting “RESTORE” for “Account” “eigitest”.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 10%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Restore File: /root/eigitest-installer/cpmove-eigitest.tar.gz
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Restore Reseller Privs: no
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Restricted mode: no
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Express mode: no
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: The “Reseller” restore module has the following areas disabled by request: “all”
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: ArchiveManager
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Preparing archive for restoration …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		This archive’s payload appears to be in the archive’s “cpmove-eigitest” directory.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	ArchiveManager
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	The system successfully prepared the archive for restoration.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: PreRestoreActions
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	PreRestoreActions
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 15%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Account
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Force Mode: yes
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Dedicated IP Address: no
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [---
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [	 AdminHooks::DomainCheck is installed on this server.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [	 Use '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/manage_hooks list' command to see what hooks are using this module 
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [	 Open '/usr/local/cpanel/AdminHooks/' file to see what this module contains 
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [	 To unplug this module from the cpanel hook system execute this command : 
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [	 # /usr/local/cpanel/bin/manage_hooks del module AdminHooks::DomainCheck 
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [	 To plug this module back into the cpanel hook system execute this command : 
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [	 # /usr/local/cpanel/bin/manage_hooks add module AdminHooks::DomainCheck
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [---
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ PKG=directi-rails19
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ USERFILE=/etc/domainusers
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ MESSAGE1='Set by Administrator'
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ MESSAGE2='Ruby on Rails support depends on this script'
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ MESSAGE3='Do NOT modify unless you know what you'\''re doing'
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ checkrails
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ rpm -qa
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ grep directi-rails19
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ ok=0
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ '[' -z eigitest ']'
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ set_env eigitest
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ user=eigitest
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ '[' -z eigitest ']'
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ echo 'Setting .gemrc for user'
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ cat
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ echo 'Setting railsrc for user'
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ cat
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ echo 'Setting bashrc to include railsrc'
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ ok=1
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ '[' -f /home/eigitest/.bashrc ']'
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ cat /home/eigitest/.bashrc
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ grep '. /home/eigitest/.railsrc'
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ ok=1
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ '[' 1 -ne 0 ']'
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ cat
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [Can't call method "finish" without a package or object reference at /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/postwwwacctuser line 35.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Account
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Account created
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 21%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: CpUser
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring cPanel user file.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Updating Caches …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	CpUser
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	CpUser data restored
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 22%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: IPAddress
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	IPAddress
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 23%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Package
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Package
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	The package exists on the system.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 25%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Homedir
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring Homedir…
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Homedir
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Homedir restored
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 34%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: FeatureList
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	FeatureList
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Feature list exists.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 35%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: OldHomedirs
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Linking old home directories
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		The system will restore the old home directory link “/home1/eigitest” …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Done.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		The system will restore the old home directory link “/home/eigitest” …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Done.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	OldHomedirs
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 37%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Domains
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Retrieving and sanitizing main userdata …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Parsing domain databases …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		…Subdomains…
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		…ParkedDomains…
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		…AddonDomains…
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring Domains …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Domains
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Domains restored
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 38%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Postgres
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Preparing PostgreSQL restore …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		This system does not have PostgreSQL.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Postgres
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 42%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Password
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring password …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Password for “eigitest” has been changed.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Password
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: NobodyFiles
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	NobodyFiles
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 44%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Integration
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Integration
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 45%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: VhostIncludes
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring custom virtualhost templates…
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	VhostIncludes
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 46%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: FileProtect
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	FileProtect
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 47%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Mailman
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring Mailman lists
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Mailman
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Mailman Restored
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 49%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Mysql
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Preparing MySQL restore …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Databases will be overwritten on conflict.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring MySQL databases
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring the database “eigitest_eig1wp” as “eigitest_eig1wp” …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		The system has created a new database named “eigitest_eig1wp”.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Granting “eigitest” access to “eigitest_eig1wp” with temporary password …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Connecting to MySQL server as “eigitest” in order to restore “eigitest_eig1wp”.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring database data for “eigitest_eig1wp”.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		The system has restored the contents of the database “eigitest_eig1wp”.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring MySQL database mappings
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring MySQL privileges
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Database users owned by “eigitest” will be overwritten on conflict.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring MySQL grants
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring MySQL access hosts
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Storing MySQL Grants
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Mysql
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 52%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: PublicHtmlSymlinks
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	PublicHtmlSymlinks
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 54%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: userdata
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring userdata…
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring userdata for “eigitest.test” …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	userdata
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: BandwidthData
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring Bandwidth Data
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Importing legacy RRD data …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	BandwidthData
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 58%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: DKIM
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	DKIM
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	DKIM restored
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 59%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Horde
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring Horde (if any)
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Running database checks for 1 account(s) …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Running horde-db-migrate for “eigitest”.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		The system is archiving the Horde data to the “/home2/eigitest/.cphorde/meta/horde.backup.sql.20170520” file.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		The system is cleaning the old Horde data archives.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		------------------------------------------------------------------------
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Summary:
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Ran database checks on 1 account(s).
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		There were 0 accounts with failures during this process (see above): 
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		    n/a
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		There were 1 accounts successfully processed: 
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		    eigitest
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		There were 0 accounts that did not need any work done: 
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		    n/a
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Horde
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 61%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: CustomLocale
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	CustomLocale
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	OK
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 62%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: SSL
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	SSL
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 63%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Reseller
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Reseller
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	The “Reseller” restore module has been skipped because it was disabled by request.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 64%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: WebDiskHomedir
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	WebDiskHomedir
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 66%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Logs
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Logs
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Shell
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring shell
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		The user’s shell is already set to “/bin/bash”.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Shell
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 68%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Mail
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring Mail files
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Resetting Quotas to sane values
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Mail
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 69%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Ftp
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring ftp password file
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Resyncing FTP Passwords
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Updating FTP passwords for eigitest
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		FTP password files updated.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		FTP vhost passwords synced
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Ftp
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 70%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: MailFix
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Fixing mail permissions
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Converting to maildir if needed
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	MailFix
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 71%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Unsuspend
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Unsuspending .htaccess files for domains eigitest.test.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Unsuspend
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 73%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: DigestShadow
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	DigestShadow
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 74%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Counter
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring Counter Data
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Counter
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 75%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Roundcube
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Roundcube
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 76%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Htaccess
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Htaccess
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	No need to update htaccess files.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 78%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: BackupConfig
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring backup config …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Updated backup config for “eigitest”.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring legacy backup config …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Updated legacy backup config for “eigitest”.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	BackupConfig
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Cron
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring crontab
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Cron
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 80%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Tomcat
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Tomcat
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 81%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: ZoneFile
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring DNS zones
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Fetching existing zones.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring zone: “eigitest.test”.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Changed all instances of [] -> [] in eigitest.test
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Local Zone Updates: “eigitest.test”
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	ZoneFile
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 82%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: ProxySubdomains
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Update Proxy subdomains for “eigitest”.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		eigitest.test                      [eigitest.test,, no changes needed]
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	ProxySubdomains
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 83%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: MailRouting
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Update mail routing
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		LOCAL MAIL EXCHANGER: This server will serve as a primary mail exchanger for eigitest.test's mail.This configuration has been manually selected.
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	MailRouting
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 85%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: SPF
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Updating SPF Records
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	SPF
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 86%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: PostRestoreActions
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Updating Caches …
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Updating Nameserver IP Address Report
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Syncing contact information
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Refreshing vhosts and restarting apache
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Running postrestore script
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	PostRestoreActions
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 87%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: AuthnLinks
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	AuthnLinks
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 88%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Quota
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring quota
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		The quota for the “eigitest” user is now 1000 MB (1024000 blocks).
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Quota
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 90%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ]: Account “eigitest”: Success
[247206][RESTORE:1 ]: Progress: 100%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ]: Child Complete
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 92%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 100%
[247206][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Success.
[247204][MASTER    ]: Session Complete
  apiversion: 2
      reason: The system successfully parked (aliased) the domain “” on top of the domain “”.
      result: 1
    result: 1
  func: park
  module: Park
    result: 1
    result: 1
  apiversion: 2
      reason: The system successfully parked (aliased) the domain “” on top of the domain “”.
      result: 1
    result: 1
  func: park
  module: Park
    result: 1
    result: 1
removed `/home2/eigitest/public_html/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2013/03/15/twitter-embeds/_index.html'
removed `/home2/eigitest/public_html/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2013/03/15/featured-image-vertical/_index.html'
removed `/home2/eigitest/public_html/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2013/03/15/featured-image-horizontal/_index.html'
removed `/home2/eigitest/public_html/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2013/01/05/non-breaking-text/_index.html'
removed `/home2/eigitest/public_html/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2013/01/06/no-content/_index.html'
removed `/home2/eigitest/public_html/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/_index.html'
removed `/home2/eigitest/public_html/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/page/4/_index.html'
Thu Jul 20 12:59:37 GMT 2017
Thu Jul 20 12:59:38 GMT 2017
Attempting restoration of the account backup “/root/eigitest_installer/cpmove-eigitest.tar.gz” (user: eigitest) …
cPanel restorepkg version: 2.3
Archive user: eigitest
Restricted: no
Allow Reseller Privileges: no

The system will attempt to restore the archive file “/root/eigitest_installer/cpmove-eigitest.tar.gz”.
You have successfully enqueued this account’s restoration. This restoration’s ID is “bhin6webhostresto201707201259412Up2N”.

You can see the progress of this restoration below. If you need to show this again, run the following command:

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/view_transfer bhin6webhostresto201707201259412Up2N
The transfer with the session id, “bhin6webhostresto201707201259412Up2N” is running with PID “69653”.
[ 69653][MASTER    ]: Start Session
[ 69653][MASTER    ]: Version: 2.3
[ 69653][MASTER    ]: Queue “RESTORE” items: 1
[ 69653][MASTER    ]: Remote Host: 
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ]: Starting “Account”: eigitest
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 0%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Starting “RESTORE” for “Account” “eigitest”.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 10%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Restore File: /root/eigitest_installer/cpmove-eigitest.tar.gz
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Restore Reseller Privs: no
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Restricted mode: no
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Express mode: no
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: The “Reseller” restore module has the following areas disabled by request: “all”
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: ArchiveManager
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Preparing archive for restoration …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		This archive’s payload appears to be in the archive’s “cpmove-eigitest” directory.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	ArchiveManager
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	The system successfully prepared the archive for restoration.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: PreRestoreActions
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	PreRestoreActions
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 15%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Account
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Force Mode: yes
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Dedicated IP Address: no
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [---
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [	 AdminHooks::DomainCheck is installed on this server.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [	 Use '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/manage_hooks list' command to see what hooks are using this module 
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [	 Open '/usr/local/cpanel/AdminHooks/' file to see what this module contains 
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [	 To unplug this module from the cpanel hook system execute this command : 
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [	 # /usr/local/cpanel/bin/manage_hooks del module AdminHooks::DomainCheck 
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [	 To plug this module back into the cpanel hook system execute this command : 
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [	 # /usr/local/cpanel/bin/manage_hooks add module AdminHooks::DomainCheck
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [---
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ PKG=directi-rails19
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ USERFILE=/etc/domainusers
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ MESSAGE1='Set by Administrator'
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ MESSAGE2='Ruby on Rails support depends on this script'
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ MESSAGE3='Do NOT modify unless you know what you'\''re doing'
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ checkrails
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ rpm -qa
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ grep directi-rails19
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ ok=0
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ '[' -z eigitest ']'
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ set_env eigitest
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ user=eigitest
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ '[' -z eigitest ']'
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ echo 'Setting .gemrc for user'
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ cat
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ echo 'Setting railsrc for user'
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ cat
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ echo 'Setting bashrc to include railsrc'
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ ok=1
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ '[' -f /home/eigitest/.bashrc ']'
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ cat /home/eigitest/.bashrc
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ grep '. /home/eigitest/.railsrc'
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ ok=1
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ '[' 1 -ne 0 ']'
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [+ cat
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Invalid log entry: [Can't call method "finish" without a package or object reference at /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/postwwwacctuser line 35.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Account
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Account created
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 21%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: IPAddress
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	IPAddress
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 22%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: CpUser
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring cPanel user file.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Updating Caches …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	CpUser
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	CpUser data restored
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 23%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Package
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Package
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	The package exists on the system.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 25%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Homedir
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring Homedir…
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Homedir
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Homedir restored
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 34%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: FeatureList
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	FeatureList
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Feature list exists.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 35%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Domains
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Retrieving and sanitizing main userdata …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Parsing domain databases …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		…Subdomains…
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		…ParkedDomains…
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		…AddonDomains…
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring Domains …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Domains
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Domains restored
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 37%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: OldHomedirs
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Linking old home directories
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		The system will restore the old home directory link “/home/eigitest” …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Done.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	OldHomedirs
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 38%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: FileProtect
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	FileProtect
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 39%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Mailman
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring Mailman lists
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Mailman
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Mailman Restored
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 40%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: MailFix
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Fixing mail permissions
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Converting to maildir if needed
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	MailFix
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 42%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: DKIM
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	DKIM
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	DKIM restored
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Logs
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Logs
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 44%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Roundcube
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Roundcube
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 45%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: NobodyFiles
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	NobodyFiles
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 46%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Integration
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Integration
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 47%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Horde
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring Horde (if any)
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Running database checks for 1 account(s) …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Running horde-db-migrate for “eigitest”.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		The system is archiving the Horde data to the “/home1/eigitest/.cphorde/meta/horde.backup.sql.20170720” file.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		The system is cleaning the old Horde data archives.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Summary:
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Ran database checks on 1 account(s).
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		There were 0 accounts with failures during this process (see above): 
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		    n/a
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		There were 1 accounts successfully processed: 
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		    eigitest
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		There were 0 accounts that did not need any work done: 
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		    n/a
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Horde
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 49%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Mysql
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Preparing MySQL restore …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Databases will be overwritten on conflict.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring MySQL databases
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring the database “eigitest_eig1wp” as “eigitest_eig1wp” …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		The system has created a new database named “eigitest_eig1wp”.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Granting “eigitest” access to “eigitest_eig1wp” with temporary password …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Connecting to MySQL server as “eigitest” in order to restore “eigitest_eig1wp”.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring database data for “eigitest_eig1wp”.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		The system has restored the contents of the database “eigitest_eig1wp”.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring MySQL database mappings
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring MySQL privileges
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Database users owned by “eigitest” will be overwritten on conflict.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring MySQL grants
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring MySQL access hosts
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Storing MySQL Grants
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Mysql
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 52%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: userdata
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring userdata…
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring userdata for “eigitest.test” …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	userdata
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 54%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Password
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring password …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Password for “eigitest” has been changed.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Password
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: WebDiskHomedir
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	WebDiskHomedir
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 56%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Tomcat
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Tomcat
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 57%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Mail
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring Mail files
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Resetting Quotas to sane values
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Mail
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 58%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Postgres
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Preparing PostgreSQL restore …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		This system does not have PostgreSQL.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Postgres
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 62%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: VhostIncludes
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring custom virtualhost templates…
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	VhostIncludes
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 63%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: SSL
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	SSL
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 64%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: DigestShadow
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	DigestShadow
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 66%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Counter
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring Counter Data
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Counter
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Shell
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring shell
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		The user’s shell is already set to “/bin/bash”.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Shell
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 68%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: CustomLocale
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	CustomLocale
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	OK
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 69%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Cron
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring crontab
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Cron
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 70%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Ftp
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring ftp password file
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Resyncing FTP Passwords
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		1
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Ftp
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 71%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: BandwidthData
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring Bandwidth Data
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Importing legacy RRD data …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	BandwidthData
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 75%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: PublicHtmlSymlinks
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	PublicHtmlSymlinks
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 76%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Unsuspend
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Unsuspending .htaccess files for domains eigitest.test.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Unsuspend
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 78%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Reseller
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Reseller
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	The “Reseller” restore module has been skipped because it was disabled by request.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: BackupConfig
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring backup config …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Updated backup config for “eigitest”.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring legacy backup config …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Updated legacy backup config for “eigitest”.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	BackupConfig
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 80%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Htaccess
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Htaccess
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	No need to update htaccess files.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 81%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: ZoneFile
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring DNS zones
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Fetching existing zones.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring zone: “eigitest.test”.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Changed all instances of [] -> [] in eigitest.test
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Cluster Zone Updates: “eigitest.test”
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	ZoneFile
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 82%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: SPF
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Updating SPF Records
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	SPF
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 83%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: ProxySubdomains
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Update Proxy subdomains for “eigitest”.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		eigitest.test                      [eigitest.test,, no changes needed]
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	ProxySubdomains
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 85%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: MailRouting
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Update mail routing
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		LOCAL MAIL EXCHANGER: This server will serve as a primary mail exchanger for eigitest.test's mail.This configuration has been manually selected.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	MailRouting
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 86%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: PostRestoreActions
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Updating Caches …
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Updating Nameserver IP Address Report
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Syncing contact information
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Refreshing vhosts and restarting apache
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Running postrestore script
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	PostRestoreActions
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 87%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Quota
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 		Restoring quota
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Quota
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 88%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: AuthnLinks
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	AuthnLinks
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 90%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 92%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: Progress: 100%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ][A:eigitest        ]: 	Success.
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ]: Account “eigitest”: Success
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ]: Progress: 100%
[ 69655][RESTORE:1 ]: Child Complete
[ 69653][MASTER    ]: Session Complete
  apiversion: 2
      reason: The system successfully parked (aliased) the domain “” on top of the domain “”.
      result: 1
    result: 1
  func: park
  module: Park
    result: 1
    result: 1
  apiversion: 2
      reason: The system successfully parked (aliased) the domain “” on top of the domain “”.
      result: 1
    result: 1
  func: park
  module: Park
    result: 1
    result: 1
removed `/home1/eigitest/public_html/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/page/4/_index.html'
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removed `/home1/eigitest/public_html/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2013/03/15/featured-image-horizontal/_index.html'
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removed `/home1/eigitest/public_html/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/_index.html'